Monday, September 30, 2019

Attending Skills Essay

Bolton, in his book People Skills (1979), describes attending as giving all of your physical attention to another person. The process of attending, whether you realize it or not, has a considerable impact on the quality of communication that goes on between two people. For example, by attending you are saying to the other person â€Å"I am intersted in what you have to say†, however, a lack of good attending communicates that â€Å"I really don’t care about what you have to say. † The body can be used as a tool to facilitate good communication. This is done through positioning the parts of the body so that they invite and hold an interpersonal relation. A relaxed alertness expressed by body posture seems best suited for fostering good communication. Bolton offers these suggestions to establish a posture of involvment: * Lean toward the speaker. This will communicate energy and attentiveness. * Face the other squarly (i. e. , your right sholuder to the speakers left). This communicates your involvment. It is especially important for you to position yourself so that you are at eye level with the speaker if you are seen as a authority figure. This will circumnavigate feelings of threat and can greatly aid in forming an interpersonal relationship. * Maintaining an open posture is also important for fostering interpersonal relatedness. A closed posture (i. e. , crossed arms and or legs) often communicates coldness and defensiveness. * You also need to be aware of your proximity to the speaker. We all have a concept of â€Å"personal space. † When those boundaries are crossed it puts the other on the defensive and makes them feel uncomfortable. However, to much distance communicates aloofness and disconectedness. Body motion, it’s a funny thing! Have you ever paid attention to what your hands were doing during the course of a conversation? Some of us simply shove them in our pockets or let them hang aimlessly by our sides. Then there are others, like me, who tend to fling them around as if to place some kind of emphasis on each word! There is such a thing as too little and too much. Body motion is good but it can be over done if you are not careful. The purpose of gesturing when you are listening is to encourage the speaker to continue speaking. This can most easily be done with a periodic head nod. A good listener moves his or her body in response to the speaker. Effective eye contact says that you are visually attuned to what the speaker is saying. Good eye contact involves focusing on the speakers face and occasionally shifting the focus to other parts of the body. The key is that the other is aware that they have your attention because your eyes are â€Å"on them†. Good eye contact should seem natural to the other person. What ever you do, don’t â€Å"stare them down. † This makes you seem anxious and sometimes critical of them. The environment where the communication takes place is also an important factor in whether an interpersonal relationship can be formed. It is not always posible to move the conversation into a private room or office, but every attempt should be made to reduce the number of distractions that are present. In his book, The Skilled Helper (1998), Gerad Egan offers what he has labled the Micro Skills of Attending. The are very close to the infomation I have presented above from Bolton’s People Skills. He has developed the following acronym to help counseling students remeber these vital skills in communication. The listener has a specific responsibility in the course of communication. That is to stay out of the speakers way and to try and follow where he or she is leading. The goal of listening is not responding but understanding what is trying to be communicated. A door opener is a noncoercive inivitation to talk. Sometimes door openers are not necessay to â€Å"get the ball rolling†, but may be needed later in the conversation if the speaker does not seem to want to continue. Door openers don’t have to be verbal cues, a good listener can also use his or her body to send the signal â€Å"I am interested, you have my attention, please tell me more. The â€Å"four elements† of a door opener, as discussed, by Bolton are; (1) A discription of the other person’s body language (i. e. , you don’t look like you are feeling well today. ) (2) An invitation to talk (3) Silence (to give the other person time to decide if they want to talk and what they are going to say. ) (4) Attending (this inclueds all of the attending skills that are discused on the attending skills page. ) What on earth are â€Å"minimal encourages? † In the attempt to follow it is important not to become a nonparticipant in the conversation. Minimal encourages refers to the amount the listener speakes and the amount of direction the listener gives to the conversation, which should be very little. Sometimes encouragement is needed but the speaker needs to remain in control of the conversation. The same is true for questioning as is for encouraging. The problem is not questioning itself but the fact that most people do not do it well. Most people ask closed questions that only require specific and short answers such as â€Å"yes† and â€Å"no. † The trick is to ask open questions that are designed to spur the conversation on when it gets stuck. This means that questioning will be relatively infrequent. Finally, attentive silence is one of the most important elements in following the listener. We live in a culture in which silence is not comfortable. We often inturpert it as a cue that we need to jump in and say something. In fact, silence is an opportunity for the speaker to reflect on what he or she has said and to gather their thoughts before their next statment. What we say is not as important as giving the speaker the time he or she needs to clearly communicate their point. An important aspect of listening is to help the listner clarify his or her communication so that they can get their meaning across. To practice reflective listening is to serve as a mirror for the person speaking. One way that the speaker can do this is through paraphrasing. A paraphrase is a conscise response to the speaker that restates the essence of the communication in the listener’s own words. The paraphrase deals with facts or ideas and not the emotions. In this respect it focuses the content of the speakers message. Another aspect of reflecting is the mirroring back of the speaker’s emotions as they make their statments. It is important to tune into the speaker’s emotions. If we, as listeners, miss the feeling content we have missed a major part of the speaker’s reaction and experience. Reflecting feelings also give the speaker an opportunity to evaluate how he or she is responding to a problem situation. Not only should the listener reflect feeling, he or she also needs to reflect meaning. Content + feeling = meaning. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But, if you get the feelings wrong or the content wrong then you can’t understand the speaker. Reflecting meaning alows you to be sure you are â€Å"getting† what the speaker is saying. Reflecting feeling and content are the baby steps to reflecting meaning. Meaning expression can use the basic empathic formula; you feel _______ because _________ , or some variation on this formla. After a while the formula will disaper and a natural empathic responding style will develop. Finally, there is the concept of sumative reflections. This reflective response is designed to recap the major themes of the conversation and comes after an extended period of the conversation. During the course of the conversation bits of useless information can acrue. The sumation can serve to help the speaker to sort through the litter and to construct a more complete and compact conceptualization of the issue being discussed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Orange Peel as Antioxidant

CHAPTER I THE RESEARCH PROBLEM BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Now days, exporting is hard in the Philippines hence the country is not that good in means of transportation because of the gap between the islands and provinces; and not all places have good roads. This kind of problem could take hours for the exporters to export their goods to other places like the market, malls, and other cities along the country. And due to that kind of problem may lead to poor source of income for the exporters, for when the exported product reaches their destinations chances may, that some of those are already rotten.One of the most exported goods in the Philippines is the countries very own national fruit, mango (Mangifera indica). Mango is a sweet fruit and succulent that’s why Filipinos just love to eat the fruit, but unfortunately it is not that cheap and buyers have to save, causing the fruits to be stocked and slowly by slowly rot and making the buyers refrain from buying. Another thing is peop le now a day’s tends to throw things that can still be recycled, and recycling is something that could lessen up the countries waste management. The Philippines for example is full of wastes, some citizens just don’t know how to recycle.The richness of life is not only seeing life with wide open eyes, but knowing about the connections between things and how this knowledge would take part in letting one live a more convenient life just like the purpose of this research work. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to extract antioxidants from orange peels to use as natural preservatives especially for mangoes. Specifically, this study attempted to answer the following question: 1. How could the extracted antioxidant help the mango preserve its freshness? 2. Can the orange peels really be use as a alternative preservative for the mango?RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS Ha: The extracted preservative from the orange peel has no effect on the mango. Ho: The extracted preservative from the orange peel has an effect on the mango causing it not to rot easily. SCOPE AND DELIMINATION This study started on July 2012. This study will focus on extracting antioxidants from the orange (Citrus sinensis) peels and apply and use it to preserve mangoes (Mangifera indica). The area of this study is in Ormoc City, Leyte, Philippines. Both oranges (Citrus sinensis) and mangoes (Mangifera indica) are bought from the city markets. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYAntioxidants and antibacterial are important components for preserving fruits and preventing fruit spoilage. This study aims to help the following: A) COMMUNITY and HOUSEHOLDS it is easy to do and less expensive. People who love to eat oranges can make the preservatives to apply it on their own. B) ECONOMY This is good for economical purposes for they can sell the preservatives on a lower price and sell it to fruit vendors who sell mangoes. And to those who export mangoes they can use this preservative or they can even make the pr eservative themselves and apply it so that when they export mangoes it will not easily rot.DEFINITION OF TERMS Antibacterial is a compound or substance that kills or slows down the growth of bacteria and play an important role for preserving substance. Antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules and plays and also plays an important role for preserving substance. Mango (Mangifera indica) is a fleshy stone fruit that is very sweet and has a lot of vitamins. Orange (Citrus sinensis) is a type of citrus fruit which people often eat they are very good source of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Orange (Citrus sinensis) Peels are edible but not that delicious as of the orange.Preservative are naturally occurring or synthetically produced substance that is added to products to prevent the decomposition by means of microbial growth that can cause undesirable chemical changes. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Antioxidants Antioxidants are substances or nutr ients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as â€Å"free radical scavengers† and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals.Health problems such as heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, cancer are all contributed by oxidative damage. Antioxidants may also enhance immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection. (http://www. csiro. au). Well-known antioxidants include enzymes and other substances, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene, which are capable of counteracting the damaging effects of oxidation. Antioxidants are also commonly added to food products such as vegetable oils and prepared foods to prevent or delay their deterioration from the action of air (http://www. medterms. com).It is impossible for us to avoid damage by free radicals . Free radicals arise from both inside (endogenous) and outside (exogenous) our bodies . Oxidants that develop from processes within our bodies form as a result of normal aerobic respiration, metabolism , and inflammation . Exogenous free radicals form from environment factors such as pollution, sunlight, strenuous exercise, X-rays, smoking and alcohol . Our antioxidant systems are not perfect , so as we age , cell parts damaged by oxidation accumulate Because they have one or more unpaired electrons , free radicals are highly unstable .They scavenge your body to grab or donate electrons , thereby damaging cells , proteins , and DNA (genetic material) . The same oxidative process also causes oils to become rancid , peeled apples turn brown , and iron to rust . Antioxidants block the process of oxidation by  neutralizing  free radicals. In doing so, the antioxidants themselves become oxidized. That is why there is a constant need to replenish our antioxidant resources. How they work can be classified in one of two ways: Chain-breaking  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ When a free radical releases or steals an electron, a second radical is formed.This molecule then turns around and does the same thing to a third molecule, continuing to generate more unstable products. The process continues until termination occurs — either the radical is stabilized by a chain-breaking antioxidant such as beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, or it simply decays into a harmless product. Preventive  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase prevent oxidation by reducing the rate of chain initiation. That is, by scavenging initiating radicals, such antioxidants can thwart an oxidation chain from ever setting in motion.They can also prevent oxidation by stabilizing transition metal radicals such as copper and iron. The effectiveness of any given antioxidant in the body depends on which free radical is involved, how and where it is generated, and where the target of damage is. Thus, while in one particular system an antioxidant may protect against free radicals, in other systems it could have no effect at all. Or, in certain circumstances, an antioxidant may even act as a â€Å"pro-oxidant† that generates toxic oxygen species. Since antioxidants counteract the harmful effects of free radicals , you would think that we should consume as much as them as possible .The truth is , although there is little doubt that antioxidants are a necessary component for good health , it is not clear if supplements should be taken and , if so , how much . Once thought to be harmless , we now know that consuming mega-doses of antioxidants can be harmful due to their potential toxicity and interactions with medications . Antioxidants are found abundant in beans, grain products, fruits and vegetables. Look for fruits with bright color – lutein in some of the yellow pigments found in corn; orange in cantaloupe, butternut squash and mango; red from lyc opene in tomatoes and watermelon, and purple and blue in berries.So enjoy eating a variety of these products. It is best to obtain these antioxidants from foods instead of supplements. In addition, minimize the exposure of oxidative stress such as smoking and sunburn. Orange Nutrients in oranges are plentiful and diverse. The fruit is low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but is rich in dietary fiber,  pectin,  which is very effective in persons with excess body weight. Pectin, by its action as bulk laxative, helps to protect the mucous membrane of the colon by decreasing its exposure time to toxic substances as well as by binding to cancer causing chemicals in the colon.Pectin has also been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels by decreasing its re-absorption in the colon by binding to  bile acids  in the colon. Oranges, like other citrus fruits, is an excellent source of  vitamin C  (provides about 60% of DRI); Vitamin C is a powerful natural a ntioxidant. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and  scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the blood. Orange fruit contains a variety of phytochemicals. Hesperetin  and  Narigenin  are flavonoids found in citrus fruits.Naringenin is found to have a bio-active effect on human health as antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, and immune system modulator. This substance has also been shown to reduce oxidant injury to DNA in vitro studies. Oranges also contain very good levels of  vitamin A, and other flavonoid antioxidants such as  alpha  andbeta-carotenes,  beta-cryptoxanthin,  zea-xanthin  and  lutein. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is essential for vision.Consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps body to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. It is a lso a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, pyridoxine, and folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish. Orange fruit also contains a very good amount of minerals like potassium and calcium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure through countering sodium actions. Citrus fruits, as such, have long been valued for their wholesome nutritious and antioxidant properties (http://www. utrition-and-you. com). Orange Peels When oranges were first cultivated, orange peels were highly valued. People extracted essential oils from the peels to use in medicines and remedies for indigestion and other illnesses. Orange peels are a source of health-promoting carbohydrates. Peels also contain healthy polymethoxylated flavones, which are plant pigment compounds present in all citrus fruits. The production of orange juice leaves large amounts of oran ge peels. They are processed into an essential oil which contains (+)-limonene as major component.Every year about 50,000 bis 75,000 tons of this hydrocarbon accumulates in the citrus processing industry. Up to now it is regarded as residue and rarely used for the synthesis of valuable products (http://kwi. dechema. de). The orange peels contain an abundance of nutrients, including sugars, flavonoids, vitamins and antioxidants, with a variety of uses, including anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-carcinogenic properties. Orange peels are the main source of d-limonene, which is effective against breast and colon  cancer, and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin (http://onecoup. com).The peel of  Citrus  fruits, like orange, is a rich source of  flavanones and many polymethoxylated  flavones (Ahmadetal. 2006), which are very rare in other plants. These compounds have commercial interest because of their multitude of applications in the food and pharmaceutical ind ustries. There are studies that prove that orange peels may be used or substituted as antimicrobial. An antimicrobial is a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, or protozoans. Antimicrobial, drugs either kill microbes (microbicidal) or prevent the growth of microbes (microbistatic).Mango Mango fruit is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and  polyphenolic flavonoid  antioxidant compounds. According to new research study, mango fruit has been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. Several trial studies suggest that  polyphenolic anti-oxidant  compounds in mango are known to offer protection against breast and colon cancers. Mango fruit is an excellent source of  Vitamin-A  and flavonoids like  beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and  beta-cryptoxanthin. 100 g of fresh fruit provides 765 mg or 25% of recommended daily levels of vitamin A.Together; these compounds are known to have antioxidant properties and are essential for vision. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in carotenes is known to protect body from lung and oral cavity cancers. Fresh mango is a very rich source of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. It is also a very good source of vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine),  vitamin-C  and vitamin-E. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps body develop esistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals. Vitamin B-6 or  pyridoxine  is required for GABA hormone production in the brain. It also controls homocystiene levels in the blood, which may otherwise be harmful to blood vessels resulting in CAD and stroke. Copper is a co-factor for many vital enzymes, including cytochrome c-oxidase and superoxide dismutase (other minerals function as co-factors for this en zyme are manganese and zinc). Copper is also required for the production of red blood cells (http://www. nutrition-and-you. com). PreservationFood preservation is the process of treating and handling food to stop or slow down Food spoilage, loss of quality, edibility or nutritional value and thus allow for longer food storage storage. Preservation usually involves preventing the growth of bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and other micro-organisms (although some methods work by introducing benign bacteria, or fungi to the food), as well as retarding the oxidation of fats which cause rancidity. Food preservation can also include processes which inhibit visual deterioration, such as the enzymatic browning reaction in apples after they are cut, which can occur during food preparation.Many processes designed to preserve food will involve a number of food preservation methods. Preserving fruit by turning it into jam, for example, involves boiling (to reduce the fruit’s moisture content and to kill bacteria, yeasts, etc. ), sugaring (to prevent their re-growth) and sealing within an airtight jar (to prevent recontamination). Maintaining or creating nutritional value, texture and flavour is an important aspect of food preservation, although, historically, some methods drastically altered the character of the food being preserved (http://www. ikipedia. com) ORANGE (Citrus sinensis) PEELS ECOFRIENDLY, RECYCLE EASY TO MAKEAS ALTERNATIVES FOR COMMERCIALIZE PRESERVATIVES CHEAP PRESERVATIVES ANTIOXIDANTS Figure 1 The Conceptual Framework of the Study CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY * General Procedure Preparation for the mango (Mangifera indica) Mangoes (Mangifera indica) were bought by the researchers within the city market. After buying the fruit, it was then washed. Preparation for extraction of Orange (Citrus sinensis) Peels extract Oranges (Citrus sinensis) were bought by the researchers within the city market.After buying the fruit was washed. And then the peels were taken off t hen cut/slice to smaller peels. Distilled water was then added to obtain more extract, then the peels were blended by using a metallic blender and then the extraction of the peels was obtain by using a cheesecloth or face cloth/towel (lampi). Manual squeezing was done to recover most of the liquid. Further purification was done by means of filter paper. The final collected extract was measured using a graduated cylinder and were placed in a beaker. Application and controlling of the extractsThe researchers bought cotton balls (can be found on drug stores or groceries) and prepared it for the application. A control was then set by the researchers to further study the affectivity of the extracted substance to the substance to be applied (mango {Mangifera indica}). The cotton balls was used to hold the substance and applied, by means of wiping, at the upper part or at the stem of the fruit. Methodology Flowchart * Gathering of oranges (Citrus sinensis) General Procedure Washing of mang o (Mangifera indica) Gathering of mango (Mangifera indica)Slicing/ Cutting of the peels of the orange (Citrus sinensis) Peeling of the oranges (Citrus sinensis) Washing of orange (Citrus sinensis) Addition of Distilled water Application of preservatives Filtration Measuring of extract TRAIT TESTING Grinding/blending of the peels of the orange (Citrus sinensis) Extraction by means of cheesecloth or face towel (lampi) CHAPTER 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Table 1 presents the masses of the mangoes on the first and 7th day FIG 3 Treatment| Mass (g) of replicates (day 1)| Mass (g) of replicates (day 2)| | 1| 2| 3| 1| 2| 3|Mangoes with extract| 130| 120| 150| 128| 117| 147| Mango without extract (control)| 110| 160| 100| 105| 153| 93| Table no. 1 presentation of mass of mangoes Table No 2. shows the weight loss of the three replicated in each treatment obtained from days 1 and 7. It shows that in Treatment 1, replica 1 has a weight loss of 2g, replica 2 has 3g, and replica 3 has 3g. In Treatment 2, replica 1 has a weight loss of 5g, replica 2 has 7g, and replica 3 has 7g. It shows that the results of the untreated mangoes got the highest amount of weight loss. Its cause might be the fast spoilage of the fruit.Treatment 1 implies that the Orange peel extract has affectivity on the fruit’s preservation state. Weight Loss of Treatment 2 between Days 1 and 7 Grams Replicates Figure No. 4 Weight loss of Treatment 1 (below) and Treatment 2 (above) Figure No. 3 above shows the weight loss of the treated ( Treatment 1 and the untreated mangoes. ) 1. Statement of Null Hypothesis; The extracted preservative from the orange peel has an effect on the mango causing it not to rot easily. Ho:  µA =  µB or  µA –  µB = 0 2. Statement of Alternative Hypothesis; Ha: The extracted preservative from the orange peel has no effect on the mango.The extracted preservative from the orange peel has no effect on the mango. Ha =  µA ?  µB or  µA –  µB ? 0 3. Level of Significance ? = 0. 05 4. Treatment| Deviation (D)| D2| | 1| 2| 3| 1| 2| 3| Mangoes with extract| 2| 3| 3| 4| 9| 9| Mango without extract (control)| 5| 7| 7| 25| 49| 49| ?D= 27? D2= 145 5. A. Sum of squares difference ?d2 = ? D2 – [(? D )2 ]N = 145 – [( [( 27)2 6 )] = 23. 5 B. Standard error of the mean difference SD = ? d2 N(N-1) = 23. 530 = 23. 530 = 0. 7833 C. D D= ? DN = 236 = 4. 5 D. t. t = DSD = 4. 50. 7833 6. Tcrit = t0. 05 = 2. 571 7.Since the computed/ calculated t is larger than tcrit , reject the Ho and accept Ha There is significant difference between the mean % particulate matter of the mango being extracted . CHAPTER V SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary We love to eat oranges, its sweet or sour juice, and its rich in vitamin c, and yet we only throw the peels away. However, because of this study we can now make use of the peels that we usually throw away. Because of this study, the researchers atte mpted to find an alternative preservative for mangoes, which it is one of the highly distributed fruit on our country.So to find an easier way and more healthy way to preserve mangoes orange peels come to a use. Testing of the Orange peels’ antibacterial and preservative capability is the main goal of this research. It aims to compare if there is a significant difference between the spoilage life of a treated and untreated mango. Oranges were gathered from fruit stores. The peels was then obtained then cut into smaller pieces then placed on a grinder, but before grinding, small amount of distilled water was added, then the grinding of peels took place.By means of cheesecloth, manual squeezing was done to extract the oil, and filtration took place for further purification. Two treatments were prepared with three replicates respectively. First treatment was the mangoes which were treated with the extracts, and the second treatment was the control. Weighing was done during the 1 st day of which mango was applied with the extract and after the 7th day from the application. Findings During the observation of the 7 days affectivity of extract, treatment two had rotten and spoiled faster than treatment 1, for spots was already seen.The researchers then weighed and the mass of the mangoes, under treatment 2 , the mass started reducing slowly while treatment 1 still remained constant with its mass. By the 7th day of observation, treatment two was already very rot and spoiled, while treatment one was still giving signs of spoilage but not yet totally spoiled. Conclusions 1. The concentration of the oil extracted from the Orange peels is not that strong hence only small amount was only used. But yet still effective. 2. Mangoes when left untreated and left to be spoiled decreases its weight faster than those which are treated. . Orange peels are effective as preservative for mangoes. Recommendations After the research was made and after observations was gathered. Th is are the following recommendations the researchers made: 1. Orange peels are effective in preserving mango but yet one can still look for a stronger affectivity of preservation, which can preserve mangoes for a longer period of time. 2. If one wants a better result, he/she should use a ratio between more peels and lesser but enough distilled water to get a strong concentration.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Macbeth Theme

One of the most fascinating ways in which Shakespeare explores the theme of appearance and reality is through the characters of the witches. The witches bring with them confusion, which infects the natural order. Night becomes day. Duncan’s horses eat each other, Fair is foul, and foul is fair. This quote is fairly early in the text, and sets the tone for the rest of the play. It alludes to the deceptive nature of the play, referring to the idea that things are not always as they seem.The quote itself foreshadows the apparent sinister and deceitful nature of the play, in that it brings forth the idea that things that seem fair, good and true may well in fact be evil or foul. Likewise, things that appear evil may possess elements of good in them. This quote is a key component of the play, as the play itself centres around the idea of deception and that what appears on the outside is not always a true reflection of what lies beneath,. the course of the play, they lead to greater confusion in Macbeth’s mind.They seem to promise him good things, but his life subsequently begins to deteriorate. On the night of the murder, Macbeth sees a floating dagger, but can not decide if this â€Å"air-drawn dagger† is real or a figment of his imagination proceeding from his â€Å"heat-oppressed brain†. His confusion between what is real and what is not seems to increase as the witches’ influence over Macbeth grows. As Macbeth’s actions become more tyrannical and savage, the strain of hiding their (Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s) true nature surfaces. The pair quickly begins to lose their grip on reality.Following Banquo’s murder, Macbeth sees his ghost at the feast. Macbeth has lost the ability to differentiate between appearance and reality. The cause behind Macbeth’s murder of Banquo was his inability to accept anything at face-value. Macbeth turns to the witches when he begins to become â€Å"cribb’d and conf ined†. These are the very â€Å"hags† behind Macbeth’s original confusion. They very quickly bring Macbeth into a state of mind where he becomes totally disconnected from reality. He takes the witches apparitions and predictions literally, believing that he is safe from any harm.The prediction that Macbeth will be safe until â€Å"Birnam Wood reaches Dunsinane† appears to indicate that he will not be threatened any time in the near future. In reality, it is showing him his impending downfall. It is at this stage that the forces of good come together and travel to Scotland to overthrow Macbeth. As the tide turns on Macbeth, the king and queen become more disillusioned and reach the brink of insanity. Suffering from memories of the murder, Lady Macbeth is unable to make a distinction between reality and fantasy.In her panicked state, she takes her own life. Meanwhile, Macbeth is forced to acknowledge that the witches â€Å"lie like truth†. They have e quivocated. Macbeth is at this stage ready to see the world for what it is, not for what he wishes it to be. The play Macbeth is undoubtedly a very shocking and disturbing play. In the course of the play, the boundaries between reality and appearance are in a constant state of flux. As a result, very little is as it seems in the play. The characters are regularly concealing their true natures and their true ambitions and desires.

Friday, September 27, 2019

I don't know the topic yet . Please get an article on health topic or

I don't know the topic yet . Please get an on health topic or what do you think is a good or a chapter in a textbook that has been assigned for you to read - Article Example The newspaper that published the story is backed by decades of credibility as a news source and the reporters, by association, also benefit from the trust that the people place in the articles that the newspaper publishes. However, there is something more important than the newspaper name and the byline of the article. In this case, it is the fact that First Lady Michelle Obama is being quoted throughout the article along with her collaborators on the program Such high profile and respected a name attached to the article using direct quotes definitely gives a heightened, if not unquestionable accuracy to the written report. The credibility comes from the fact that the First Lady has, for the duration of her husbands presidency, advocated a healthier lifestyle for all Americans. Even undertaking her own special health programs to help promote a healthy diet and healthier lifestyle. In the article, we can clearly see that the reporters thoroughly researched the history of food labels and the reasons behind the method the food contents are classified on the back label of the product. Cutting to the fact that the American diet has changed over the past 20 years and that the average American has also modified his eating habits, we see that a great deal of research was done by the first lady in order to defend her stand on the issue of food labeling. With the inclusion of the Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg in the interview, in support of the first lady, the article found itself being lent further credibility. More importantly, the article presented the information to the reader in a method that did not talk down or confuse them. Reading the article was almost like reading a pamphlet that informed a person about the potential benefits of a particular item. The quotes from the first lady and the FDA commissioner added the important touch of credibility to the article at the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The challenge of police leadership Research Paper

The challenge of police leadership - Research Paper Example amongst the team, the importance of empowering employees, the importance of making decisions with consensus, and the importance of the implementation of actions in the transparent way is highly important for becoming successful leaders. The police department also needs good leadership skills to control the law and order in the society and community (Tully 1999). The leadership skills required by the police force of any country are faced by many challenges. The biggest challenge is to control the people and make sure that everyone obeys the law. Those that are violating the laws need to be dealt in a stern way by the police (Tully 1999). Challenges with police leadership also lie in controlling the performances of the employees and delegating those tasks according to their potential and ability. The police leaders also need to control their subordinates in an effective manner so that all the subordinates conduct their duties in the manner required. Delegating orders to the subordinates by the leaders of police is a very commanding and autonomous task. It needs to be conducted with careful reviews so that all the goals and objectives are attained successfully by the department of police (Guest 2002). The leaders need to ensure that commitment and dedication is present in the employees of the police department so that when critical tasks are assigned to them, it can be ensured that the task will be carried out well by the employees. The leaders need to listen to the problems of the subordinates and other employees. If employee problems and views are considered there are high chances that successful police leadership can be attained as all employees would be willingly working hard to achieve successful results (Gilmartin and John 1998). There are ethical challenges faced by the police leadership. Bribery is one of the common things observed in the police departments. The leaders of the police department should ensure that they don’t get involved into any

Crime Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crime Theories - Essay Example They are involved in doing frauds, money laundering, cheating, stealing and trading private information and so on. According to the theory, people are pressurized to commit crime and moreover, an individual has his own requirements and expected opportunities that are formed on the basis of social structures and in case of unavailability of desired needs and opportunities, an individual is made to commit a crime (Siegel, 2011). Like street crimes, white collar crime can also be considered under strain theory. The people who are socially sound can perceive some blockage in their set goals and requirements related to their financial success and consider this as straining due to which, they can be equally involved in committing crime. In addition, they can also regard the provided opportunities as inadequate due to which, they can be pressurized to commit crime (Taylor, et al., 2005). The strain theory is the most relevant in terms of being a cause of digital crime as the criminals can be socially deprived as well as blessed and can regard the provision of opportunities as lacking. The digital crime involves people from such countries that are poor globally such as African countries as well as from wealthy countries such as USA. Mostly, the criminals of digital crime have ambition of getting richer by selling private and crucial information of one competitor to the other (Taylor, et al., 2005). People who are socially and economically stressed commit digital crime. People can be strained when they fail to accomplish their goals due to which, they are involved in digital crime. They are involved in hacking, selling personal information of their employers, leaking secrets, committing frauds, corporate espionage and so on (Siegel, 2011). Tunnell (2005) gives information about the criminal Dannie Martin who has a poor background and lack of any opportunity to get success and economic stability in life and all he

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement to Providers Essay

Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement to Providers - Essay Example In addition to accurate information, information technology plays a vital role in making Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement process easier and faster. Offices have medical billing software that automatically compile, enter, and format universal outpatient billing claim form; however, changing information technology alone cannot sustain an ease of access in obtaining and sharing health information in the Medicare and Medicaid process, particularly organizational changes about payment. Therefore, this paper will discuss how the organization can have a better payment and communication system through suggesting a constant associate that would deal with the provider’s need for information and designating a certain time frame to receive the payment. The Proposed Change History of the organization and the need for change. The history of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services began when the Medicare and the Medicaid programs were signed into law on July 30, 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. It was then subjected to legislative change by George W. Bush on December 8, 2003 and became the Medicare Modernization Act which has added an outpatient prescription drug benefit to Medicare (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2012, n.p.). ... In addition, it reflects that the comprehensive health reform focuses on a new model for broader payment and delivery system. In relation to the proposed change, the author thought that the organization can have a better system in place when there is a certain time frame to receive the payment and when the same associate communicates information every time a provider calls in to get information about payment, instead of dealing with other associates to start over from the beginning. Assessment revealed that the organization has the need for change to broaden the payment and delivery system and improve care coordination between providers, associates, and settings. Organizational and individual barriers. The presence of individual and organizational barriers hinders the provision of a timely and appropriate Medicaid and Medicare services. Individual barriers include attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, culture, and training of providers and patients while organizational barriers include fina ncing or payment policies (Mauch, Kautz, & Smith, 2008, 11). Receiving reimbursements under Medicaid and Medicaid must be in line with the payment structures, billing methods, state business customs and federal laws and regulations. Under the federal law, there are 12 services which were mandated to provide as a condition of participation in the Medicaid and Medicare program (Mauch, Kautz, & Smith, 2008, 11). It is the State which has the influence towards organizational payment policies and thus, may contribute to the success or failure of the proposed change in the reimbursement process. Restrictions on same-day billing also impede Medicare and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global Financial Crisis in Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Global Financial Crisis in Context - Essay Example There is the general consensus across the globe that the 2007-2010 global financial crisis (GFC) is the worst to have hit the world economies ever since the famous Great Depression during the 1030s. To some this crisis has grown to be known as the Great Recession of the time. One of the notable effects of the recent global financial crisis was brought to the fore in terms of failure by the world’s key businesses, significant decline in the wealth among consumers, as well as massive financial commitments by the various governments. In the overall, the aforementioned effects culminated into significant reduction in the economic activities amongst nations. The said financial crisis has its cradle in the bursting of America’s housing bubble. In particular, this housing bubble experienced its peak during the 2005- 2006 period. Immediately afterwards, there was a general increase in the Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM) and subprime default rates. As it is put forward by Taylor and Akila, (2009), a resultant increase in incentives of loans for example, simple easy terms as well as long-term trend of increasing prices of housing. As a result, borrowers had been motivated to take difficult mortgages with the hope of being able to quickly refinance them at favorable terms. However, with the increasing interest rates, prices of housing began to drop although moderately during the 2006-2007 period in several parts of the United States of America. Consequently, refinancing became much more difficult. This provided the much needed impetus to the increase in foreclosures and defaults due to the expiry of the simple initial terms.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Business Law - Essay Example It was thus making an offer of its product to firm of Taite, Lewis and Co, at a particular price each model specification is also spelt out in the brochure. Sagay, I.E., (1993) defined an offer in his book, Nigerian of contract as â€Å"†¦ a definite undertaking or promise made by one part with the intention that it shall become binding on the party making it as soon as it is accepted by the party to whom it is addressed†. Whizz PC Ltd becomes the offeror and Taite, Lewis and Co becomes the offeree. A contract comes into existence only between the offeror and the person or persons responding to the offer and accepting it. This principle was declared in the famous case of Carbolic Smoke Ball Co v. Carllil1 by brown, L.J., is now expressed by stating that an offer can be made not only to an individual or group of persons, but also to the whole world. In the case2, defendant had argued that no contract could arise from their advertisement because you cannot make a contract with the whole world. This argument the court demolished by stating as follows: For an offer capable of becoming binding on acceptance, it must be definitely clear and final. If it is merely a preliminary move in negotiation which may lead to a contract, it not an offer but an invitation to treat. This was the case when Whizz PC Ltd sent its brochure to the Taite, Lewis and Co firm. The offeror must not â€Å"merely have been feeling his way towards an agreement not merely initiating negotiations from which an agreement might or might not in time result†3. On 27 of January, the partners of Taite, Lewis and Co wrote to whizz PC ltd placing an order for 20 of the whiz 4000 PCs stipulating that the price of 500 Pounds must include installation and a 24 months onsite repair/troubleshooting service. The firm of Taite, Lewis and Co, stated that it will pay for the supply if machines 60 days after the date of the delivery. In the invitation of treat sent by

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Some Common Leadership Styles Essay Example for Free

Some Common Leadership Styles Essay Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of some common leadership styles and evaluate how modern managers can best implement them to deal with the challenges they face in the 21st century. Todays increasingly competitive, dynamic business landscape requires the ability to change, evaluate, and implement new courses of action (Bucic, Ramburuth and Robinson, 2010: 228-248). The importance of the leadership and its significant impact on the businesss performance , productivity of the organization and turnover is clear for most business people and scholars. It is a subject that has long excited interest among people (Yukl, 2010: 19). In addition, it has been classified in many different ways. However, this essay intends to explore only the advantages and disadvantages of charismatic and transformational style. Furthermore, it looks at how todays leaders can exploit these styles so as to overcome the 21st century challenges. Charismatic leaders can be defined as those who have high self-confidence, a clear vision, engage in unconventional behavior, and act as a change agent, while remaining realistic about environmental constraints. Their key behaviors include role modeling, image building, articulation of goals, showing confidence and arousing follower’s motives (McLaurin and Al Amri, 2008: 15). Although charismatic style has a lot of positive points, it has some negatives as well. Charismatic leaders can have a powerful stimulus on an organization, but the consequences are not always advantageous. The personalized power orientation of these leaders can make them insensitive, manipulative, domineering, impulsive and defensive. They emphasize devotion to themselves rather than to ideological goals. Charismatic leaders tend to make more perilous decisions that can result in a serious failure (Yukl, 2010: 294). The world has seen some great charismatic leaders in its history namely, President John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill and the late Apple founder Steve Jobs. A second style of leadership is transformational which is an expansion of transactional leadership (Avolio and Bass, 2002: 42). These leaders are those who stimulate interest among followers to view their work from new perspectives, generate awareness of the vision of the organization, develop followers to higher levels of ability and potential, and motivate colleagues and followers to look beyond their own interests toward those that will  benefit the group. Although transformational style may sounds powerful and be the most favorable to driving safety, it has some drawbacks too. Transformational style is not as operational in cases where followers are not experienced enough. It could also be very time consuming. As a result, it is not suitable in crisis a genuine emergency or high-pressure economy, where time is valuable. The 21st century with its fast changing and erratic environment in the business world, requires leaders to be more effective. In order to be more successful in current atmosphere and to deal with politico-socio-economic challenges, leaders should use a combination of types of leadership. In other words, moving among styles will help them to achieve their goals more efficiently (Goleman, 2000). For some theorists, it is the essence of leadership and everything else is secondary (Yukl, 2010: 296). In conclusion, the last two decades of the twentieth and now the early part of the twenty-first century presented organizations with unparalleled levels of uncertainty, turbulence, rapid change, and intense competition. Many organizations are struggling with the need to manage chaos, to undergo internal cultural change, to reinvent their businesses, to restructure their organizations, to adopt or invent new technologies, to reduce organizational boundaries, to discover the path to continuous improvement, to globalize their operations, and to invent high involvement organization and management systems (Yukl, 2010). In the face of such challenges, the transformational and charismatic leader, sometimes referred to as the visionary or inspirational leader, represents a style of leadership that may be capable of facilitating adaptation to a changing environment and navigating organizations through the chaos of the twenty-first century. (Jon L.Pierce, 2008: 337) Reference List: Avolio, B.J. and Bass, B.M. (2002) Developing Potential Across a Full Range of Leadership, New jersey: Lawrence Ebrlbaum Associates, Inc. Bucic, T., Ramburuth, P. and Robinson, L. (2010) Effects of leadership style on team learning, Journal of Workplace Learning, vol. 22, no. 4, Jan, pp. 228-248. Chaudhry, A.Q. and Javed, H. (2012) Impact of Transactional and Laissez Faire Leadership Style on Motivation, International Journal of Business and Social Science, vol. 3, no. 7, April, pp. 258-264. Goleman, D. (2000) Leadership that gets results, Business And Economics, Business And EconomicsBanking And Finance, vol. 78, no. 2, Mar/Apr, pp. 78-90, Available: Jon L.Pierce, J.W.N. (2008) Leaders the Leadership Process, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill. McLaurin, J.R. and Al Amri, M.B. (2008) Developing an understanding of charismatic and transformational leadership, Allied Academies International Conference, Reno, 15-19. Yukl, G. (2010) Leadership in Organizations, 7th edition, New Jersey: Pearson.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Kotter and lewins change and positive models

Kotter and lewins change and positive models Change management deals with adapting and controlling change. For an organization, change management is defining and implementing procedures and/or technologies to deal with changes in the business environment and to profit from changing opportunities. ( There is always a need for the change to happen as the world is changing. Therefore, some models can help an organization to implement change successfully. Kotters Change Model John Kotter is a change expert who is a professor at Harvard Business School. Kotter introduced a famous change process that consists of eight steps in his 1995 book, Leading Change. Step One: Create Urgency For an organization to let the change happen, this step is a primary motivation for the things to happen. Therefore, the first task is to develop a sense of urgency. ( Step Two: Form a Guiding Coalition For the change to happen, the change needs to be managed as well as led. Hence, there is a requirement for strong leadership as well as the support from important employees of the organization. ( Step Three: Developing a Change Vision Developing a clear vision will help out to simplify the decisions, motivates employees to go for the change even it is hard for them, and helps to organize the actions in a hasty and well-organized way. ( Steps/Step3) Step Four: Communicating the Vision for Buy-in It is not about developing a clear vision, but the vision has to reach all the employees of the organization. For this to happen, the vision should be communicated in hour-by-hour activities. Communication can also be done through meetings, emails, and presentations. It should be communicated anywhere and everywhere in order to let the employee have a clear idea about the change to happen. While communicating the change be honest and concentrate on the emotional dimension of the peoples fears and concerns. (, Step Five: Empowering People and Removing Barriers Removing barriers will help the people to do their best work and empowers them to execute vision. This will result in change to happen. (, Step Six: Generating Short-term wins Generating short-term wins will definitely encourage the employees. The employee confidence will increase and will adapt to the change as well as will be satisfied with his work. Organizing a change without looking at short-term performance is always risky. One cannot know where they stand and how far is the destination. ( Step Seven: Dont Let Up! There is always a chance for the resistance to occur even success occurs in the early stages. There is fear of change with everyone. Letting up will create problems and the momentum can be lost. Therefore, the organization has to consolidate gains and produce more change. ( Step Eight: Make it stick Culture is deeply rooted in an organization and is the hardest thing to change. Every associate of the organization indoctrinates into the culture of the organization without realizing it. Therefore, new approaches have to be anchored and should be deeply rooted in order to stay strongly in the culture. ( Strengths and Weaknesses The strength of this model is that it concentrates on all aspects for the change to happen in an organization. Therefore, by concentrating on all aspects such as communicating the vision, creating a guiding coalition, generating short-term wins, and not letting up will definitely makes the change to happen. Culture is the hardest thing to change in any organization and with the help of this model, the cultural change can happen. On the other side, the first step speaks about the urgency but it does not concentrate on the purpose for change. Purpose with urgency can only play an effective role together for the change to happen. To implement this model the leaders should be experienced and associates of the organization should support the change. Lewins 3-Stage Model Kurt Lewin is a psychologist who recognized three stages of change. They are Unfreeze, Change, and Refreeze. Stage 1: Unfreeze This stage is an important one that involves reaching to a position of knowing that change is essential. In this stage, creating ideal environment is an important thing for the change to take place. Generally, people get used to the way they are working and they try to resist the change even the change is beneficial one, as it will initially cause discomfort. Therefore, the main theme of this stage is to shift people from this frozen state to an unfrozen state. (, London Management Centre, 2008) Stage 2: Change or Transition This stage is central to Lewins model and is a confusion period at the psychological level. In the transition stage, the changes are made that are essential. Employees will be unfrozen and will be heading in the direction of new way of being. Therefore, people are not clear about new ways that are going to replace the older ways. This clearly shows that this is the hardest stage as employees are not sure or fearful. The main goal of this transition stage is to move employees to the unfrozen state and keep them there. (, London Management Centre, 2008) Stage 3: Refreeze This phase concentrates on elevating the comfort levels and bringing back the stability. It brings people to a stable and productive state from a low productive state. Refreeze is to establish stability after the changes occur. Finally people form new relations start to become comfortable with new changes. (, London Management Centre, 2008) Strengths and Weaknesses The strength of Lewins model is that it is simple and easy to understand. This model concentrates on the fear of employees who oppose the change to happen. This is the main factor, which should be worked out by every organization to bring out change. However, on the other side, this model does not concentrate on each aspect. For the change to happen all the aspects should be considered such like the aspects covered in Kotters change model. The Positive Model The Positive model involves five phases. They are: Phase 1: Initiate the Inquiry Initiate the inquiry is to know the subject of change. It points up the associate participation to recognize the organizational issue they have the most energy to address. (Cummings Worley, 2009) Phase 2: Inquire into best practices Inquire into best practises is assembling data that is the best in the organization. If the subject is organizational innovation, then associates of the organization helps to build up an interview protocol which contains the information about the new ideas that were developed and carried out in the organization. The members of the organization conduct the interviews: they interview each other and let them know the information or stories about the innovations in which the members are personally involved. These stories are gathered to form a group of information, which describes the organization as an innovative system. (Cummings Worley, 2009) Phase 3: Discover the themes Discovering themes is about the members of the organization who look at the stories that are gathered previously which may include both small and large, to recognize a set of themes which are demonstrating the common scope of peoples experiences. For instance, the stories of innovation that are collected may contain themes about how much freedom each individual gets from the managers in exploring a new idea, how much support the coworkers provided to the organization members, or how to exposure to customers sparked ingenious ideas. No theme is small in case of representation; it is very important to describe all the core mechanisms that help to generate and support the themes. The themes symbolises the basis for moving from what is to what could be. (Cummings Worley, 2009) Phase 4: Envision a preferred future Members that scan the identified themes, challenge the status quo, and describe a compelling future. Based on the organizations successful past, members collectively picture the organizations future and develop possibility proportions- statements that bridge the organizations current best practices with ideal possibilities for future organizing. These proportions should present a truly exciting, provocative, and possible picture of the future. Based on these possibilities, members discover the relevant stakeholders and critical organization processes that must be aligned to support emergences of the envisioned future. The vision becomes a statement of what should be. (Cummings Worley, 2009) Phase 5: Design and Deliver Ways to Create the Future This phase illustrates the activities and the plans necessary to bring vision. It progresses to both action and assessment phase comparable to action research described earlier. Members of the organization make modifications, weigh up the results and make necessary adjustments, to move the organization towards the vision and nourish what will be. The course of action is continued by restoring the discussion about what the best is. (Cummings Worley, 2009) Strengths and Weaknesses The strength of this model is that it concentrates on the main issue and tries to solve the problem by using the best practises of the organization. The weakness of this model is that there is no urgency, which is essential for the change as sometimes the organizations might run out of time. If the change does not happen before the time passes away then the work made by the organization goes in vain. Conclusion The three change models Kotters change model, Lewins 3-stage model, and the positive model are different from each other. These three models can be used by any organization for the change to happen. Kotters change model is a brief model that concentrates on every small aspect. The only problem with the Kotters change model is that it focuses on urgency but not on purpose. Without knowing purpose of change, the urgency will have no reason and everyone will be doing things quickly without purpose. By considering the purpose, this model can be most preferable for an organization to implement change. This model makes sure that the change need to occur is communicated to everyone and concentrates on building the momentum with short-term wins. The culture of the organization can be changed that is deeply rooted. Lewis 3-stage model is a simple model it concentrates on moving people from their old style of working. People always have a fear of change, which is the biggest opposition of the change to happen. This model concentrates on moving people from a stage of freezing to refreeze stage. This model does not concentrate on all the small aspects. The positive model is different from Kotters and Lewins model. It enquires about the problem and uses the best practices of the organization to solve the problem. This helps the change to happen. However, there is no sense of urgency that is a major problem. When compared to Kotters model it is not as detailed as that model. Every model has some strength. Therefore, it is always better to go for the three models, opt for the best things from the models, and implement them for the change to happen. Speaking about best of the three models, my choice is Kotters change model as it concentrates on all the aspects for the change to happen.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Free And Fair Elections Politics Essay

Free And Fair Elections Politics Essay Free and fair elections and functioning electoral systems are the quintessence of democracy. Elections are used to ensure popular support and legitimacy for those who make governmental decisions.  [i]  An electoral system is the set of processes that determine how political candidates are elected to office. These procedures include the ballot structure, how citizens cast their votes, how those votes are tallied, and how the winners are determined.  [ii]  Electoral systems are important in many ways. First, they have significant political consequences. Electoral systems shape the nature of parties and party systems, and they affect the behavior of politicians and the strategies of voters.  [iii]   Additionally, electoral systems have a strong effect on the number of parties and consequently on the nature of competition in the party system. Electoral systems also affect the ways parties are organized and how they function internally. In addition, electoral systems also reveal the preferences of politicians and shape politicians behavior.  [iv]  Brazil pdf Accordingly, there are a small number of states in the world that have very similar electoral or voting systems but continue to have dissimilar amounts of political parties. These similarities and differences are best illustrated when comparing the United States and France. Despite similar electoral systems, France has numerous political parties while the United States has only two major parties. It would be anticipated that France and the United States would contain a resemblance in its electoral system based upon the information that the original French charter was inspired by the U.S. constitution.  [v]  Essentially, both states use a first past the post, winner takes all style of electing their Presidents. The United States also uses a unique system called the Electoral College to select a President from available nominees.  [vi]   This paper will seek to analyze the similarities and differences between France and the United States electoral systems. Firstly, the party system will be compared; secondly the electoral process itself, afterwards the heads of state, the question of reforms and finally the information provided will be summarized. Party System The structure of the party system in France is quite unique compared to other democracies. France has a multi-party system as opposed to the two-party system in the United States, and within those multiple parties, there is a great variety of internal organization.  [vii]  It was in France that the distinction between left and right first appeared and it is there that this distinction is of particular importance. However, the country has developed a multiple party system, so that the differences between left and right are far from clear. The parties have arranged themselves traditionally in the structure of the National Assembly, from the extreme left to the extreme right. The reason for the numerous amounts of political parties is for the most part historical. Successive regimes have passed, leaving their defenders as political parties or factions.  [viii]   Therefore, each party then can be identified with a preferred constitutional form and they each have their own particular ideology. France has gone through a succession of revolutions and regimes in which the new order never succeeded in entirely eradicating the advocates of the old. The older doctrines and their defenders have found that the Cartesian tradition, which is a tendency to pursue theoretical distinctions to the end, has encouraged their survival.  [ix]   The Third and Fourth Republics knew two electoral systems, both of which encouraged proliferation: proportional representation which assures each tiny party of its share of representation and therefore does not discourage the voter from exercising a marginal differentiation in casting his vote, and the single-member constituency system combined with the second ballot which encouraged a multiplication of candidates, and therefore of parties, especially on the first round. This system of many parties inevitably produced political weakness and cabinet instability.  [x]   Now, in the Fifth republic, (enacted in 1958), the electoral system in France depends on the size of the municipality. In municipalities with more than 3,500 inhabitants, the first half of the seats is allocated on the basis of absolute majority and the dHondt method of proportional representation is used to distribute the second half of the seats between lists that received at least five per cent of the votes. Municipalities with up to 3,500 inhabitants elect councils on the basis of absolute majority.  [xi]   In contrast, the American system as previously stated, is based on a two-party system, even though third parties exist. This results in clearly defined political lines in the United States, without the formal need for coalition-building often required to create a ruling majority in a parliamentary system.  [xii]  One factor contributing to the two-party system in the United States is the single-member district system of electing Representatives. Single-member meaning means that whoever receives a plurality of the vote (that is, the greatest number of votes in any given voting district) is elected.  [xiii]   Moreover, the Republican and Democratic parties are the two main political parties in the U.S. The Republicans and Democrats have dominated American politics since the 1860s, and every president since 1852 has been either a Republican or Democrat.  [xiv]  Despite that fact, so-called third parties and independent candidates remain a part of American politics. Most third parties have tended to flourish for a single election and then die, fade, or be absorbed into one of the major parties.  [xv]   Presidential Electoral Process The national election for the president of the United States is held every four years. These elections are far from straightforward in terms of its organization. The procedure for a national election goes on for a year.  [xvi]  A party must present nominated people to stand for election. Of  those nominated, only one is selected by the party delegates at the national convention. This person then goes on to represent that party in the national presidential elections. The running mate for the presidential candidate is also announced. Moreover, the structure of primary elections can differ from state to state. Some delegates are elected in a straight first-past-the-post system while other states use a form of proportional representation to give a greater spread of representation among the delegates sent to a national convention.  [xvii]  The delegates, when at a convention, vote for a candidate to run in the presidential election. After the national conventions, the two partie s presidential hopefuls can focus on campaigning for winning the presidential elections.  [xviii]   A unique feature of the American system is the Electoral College. When Americans vote for a President and Vice President, they actually vote for presidential electors, together as the Electoral College. The Constitution assigns each state a number of electors equal to the combined total of its Senate and House of Representatives delegations; at present, the number of electors per state ranges from three to 55, for a total of 538. It is these elector-candidates, rather than the presidential and vice presidential nominees, which the citizens vote for in the election. In most states, voters cast a single vote for the slate of electors pledged to the party presidential and vice presidential candidates of their choice. The slate winning the most popular votes is elected; this is known as the winner-take-all, or general ticket, system. Separate ballots are cast for President and Vice President. The electoral vote results are counted and declared at a session of Congress. A majority of elec toral votes (currently 270 of 538) is required to win.  [xix]  In the recent American elections in 2008, Democratic candidate Barack Obama won the election with 53% of the popular vote along with 365 electoral votes over Republican candidate John McCain.  [xx]   In comparison, in the French system, candidates for the Presidency must obtain 500 sponsoring signatures of elected officials from at least 30 departments or overseas territories. The post is directly elected in a two-stage voting system. A candidate who receives more than 50% of the vote in the first round is elected. However, if no candidate receives 50%, there is a second round which is a run-off between the two candidates who secured the most votes in the first round. Nicolas Sarkozy, from the ruling UMP, won the second round of the Presidential election in May 2007. He gained 53% of the vote, finishing six points ahead of his Socialist rival, Sà ©golà ¨ne Royal.  [xxi]   Duties of the Head of State The constitution of the French Fifth Republic was approved by public referendum on September 28, 1958. It greatly strengthened the powers of the executive in relation to those of Parliament. Under this constitution, presidents were elected directly for a seven-year term since 1958. However, beginning in 2002, the presidential term of office was reduced to five years and a constitutional reform passed on July 21, 2008 which limits presidents to two consecutive terms in office. The president names the prime minister, presides over the cabinet, commands the armed forces, and concludes treaties. Traditionally, presidents under the Fifth Republic have tended to leave day-to-day policy-making to the prime minister and government; the five-year term of office is expected to make presidents more accountable for the results of domestic policies.  [xxii]   On the contrary, the American presidents chief duty is to make sure that the laws are implemented. Presidents appoint all cabinet heads and most other high-ranking officials of the executive branch of the federal government. They also nominate all judges of the federal judiciary, including the members of the Supreme Court. Their appointments to executive and judicial posts must be approved by a majority of the Senate. The president is also the commander in chief of the US military and has unconstrained authority to direct the movements of the navy, land and air forces. The president has the power to make treaties with foreign governments, though the Senate must also approve such treaties by a two-thirds majority. Finally, the president has the power to approve or veto bills passed by Congress, though Congress can override the presidents veto by summoning a two-thirds majority in favour of the measure.  [xxiii]   Electoral System Reform? With respect to proposals by some American scholars and policy makers to get rid of the U. S. Electoral College system, most reformers advocate for a direct popular vote in the French manner and most also advocate a runoff (also like the French system) in the event that no candidate receives majority support (or or a lower figure such as 40%) in a first round election. But there are many Americans who believe that two presidential elections within a period of a few weeks would be too much.  [xxiv]  Moreover, The French are starting to embrace the concept of having primaries like the Americans. Even though these are not yet systematically organized, they are helpful in sorting out the candidates of each political party. In 2006, for example, the Socialist Party fielded three candidates, and party activists chose one of them, Segolà ¨ne Royal, to represent them. It is not that unlikely to see that same process expanded in future presidential elections.  [xxv]   Conclusion While comparing United States government to French government there are many similarities and differences discovered. To reiterate, France and the United States citizens elect the president of the republic, and both democracies do it by universal suffrage.   The French, on the other hand, prefer a direct election. In other words, a two-round electoral process in which any French citizen can become a candidate given that they collect 500 signatures endorsing their candidacy. The Americans however have a different method. Every state chooses by popular vote a list of electors, each of whom represents one candidate. The list pledged to a candidate who wins a simple or absolute majority of votes takes all of the states Electoral College seats (essentially winner takes all).  [xxvi]  This two-step election process takes into consideration both American demographics and political equality among the states of the Union, which is quite different from the French system.  [xxvii]  Fr ance is a representative democratic republic like the United States. France differs from the United States in political organization. The difference is that the political power in France is split between the president and a prime minister, who leads the political party that holds majority in Parliament.  [xxviii]   In addition, France is characterized by its multi-party system, whilst the United States is seen as a two-party system, even though third parties do exist. Also, Relations between France and the United States have become friendlier after Nicolas Sarkozy was elected President of France. In 2007, Sarkozy delivered a speech before the U.S. Congress which was a strong affirmation of French-American friendship. During his visit he met with President George W. Bush as well as Senators John McCain and Barack Obama. This visit took place before the two senators were chosen as party nominees.  [xxix]  Both also met with Sarkozy in Paris after securing their respective nominations in 2008; after meeting Obama in July, he was quoted saying Obama? Cest mon copain which means Obama? Hes my buddy. Because of Obamas and Sarkozys relationship, relations between the two countries are expected to improve further.  [xxx]  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Crossing the Line in Faulkners Barn Burning Essay -- Barn Burning Ess

Crossing the Line in Faulkner's Barn Burning   Ã‚  Ã‚   The American author Joyce Carol Oats, in her Master Race, wrote that "our enemy is by tradition our savior" (Oats 28).   Oats recognized that we often learn more from our enemy than from ourselves.   Whether the enemy is another warring nation, a more prolific writer, or even the person next door, we often can ascertain a tremendous amount of knowledge by studying that opposite party.   In the same way, literature has always striven to provide an insight into human nature through a study of opposing forces.   Often, simply by looking at the binary operations found in any given text, the texts meanings, both hidden and apparent, can become surprising clear.   In William Faulkner's famous short story "Barn Burning," innate binary operations, especially those of the poor versus the rich and the society versus the outsider, allow the reader to gather a new and more acute understanding of the text.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most important binary operation in Faulkner's masterpiece is the projected idea of the rich versus the stark reality of the poor.   Throughout the entire work, the scenes of the Snopes family are constantly described in detail and compared to the richness that appears abundant around them.   For example, at the very beginning of the story, the young Colonel Sartoris Snopes is described as "small and wiry like his father" wearing "patched and faded jeans" which are later described as too small (Faulkner 1555).   This poor child, with his tattered clothing, bare feet, and scared-to-the-bone look is juxtaposed against the wealth of the Justice of the Peace's borrowed courtroom--its "close-packed" shelves filled with cans of food, aromatic cheese, and "the silver curve of fish"--th... ...lty, or even the normal versus the audacious.   But, the entire story seems to be focused on two: those of the poor versus the rich and society versus the outsider.   Those two operations allow for, and even demand, a different reading of the text giving us a young Colonel striving to break out of his limitations and become the opposite of what he was.   In the end, Faulkner allows him to succeed.   After his father's death, the young man runs through the woods, forever leaving his family.   The text ends with the powerful line, "he did not look back" (Faulkner 1566). Works Cited Oats, Joyce Carol. "Master Race." The History of Dramatic Theory  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   and Criticism. Ed. John Dukore. New York: Harper Collins,   Ã‚   1992. Faulkner, William. "Barn Burning." The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter. 3th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998. 1554-66.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Soft Money: It?s Elimination from Governmental Campaigns :: essays research papers fc

Soft Money: It’s Elimination from Governmental Campaigns   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The current use of soft money in the US Governmental elections is phenomenal. The majority of candidates funding comes from soft money donations. Congress has attempted to close these funding loop holes; however they have had little success. Soft money violates standards set by congress by utilizing the loop hole found in the Federal Election Commission’s laws of Federal Campaigns. This practice of campaign funding should be eliminated from all governmental elections.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1907 it was considered illegal for any corporation to spend money in connection with a federal election. In 1947 it was illegal for labor unions to spend any money in connection with any federal election. And since 1974, it has been illegal for an individual to contribute more than $1,000 to a federal candidate, or more than $20,000 per year to a political party (Campaign Finance). Congress defined this as a way to prevent the influence of a candidate or federal election. The so-called â€Å"soft money† which is used to fund candidates’ elections is defined as money which violates the Federal Election Commission’s laws on federal elections. In laments terms a simple loophole was created by the FEC in 1978 through a ruling which allowed corporations to donate large amounts of money to candidates for â€Å"Party Building† purposes (Campaign Finance). In reality, the $50,000 to one million dollar donations gives the candidate the power to put on the most extravagant campaign money will buy. This loophole remained almost completely dormant in federal elections until the Dukakis campaign in 1988, then fully emerging in the later Bush campaign, which utilized millions of dollars of soft money(Soft Money). This aggressive soft money campaigning involved the solicitation of corporate and union treasury funds, as well as unlimited contributions from individuals, all of which were classified for â€Å"Party Building† purposes. The way the money flows is basically from the corporation or union to the political party which the donator favors. The spending of soft money is usually controlled by the political parties; however it is done in great coordination with the candidate. Aside from unions and corporations special interest groups have been large supporters of soft money. These groups band together for a candidates such as groups for, textiles, tobacco, and liquor. The textile giant Fruit of the Loom, successfull y lobbied a campaign which stopped an extension of NAFTA benefits to Caribbean and Central American nations.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pag-IBIG Fund Essay

Pag-IBIG is an acronym which stands for Pagtutulungan sa Kinabukasan: Ikaw, Bangko, Industria at Gobyerno. In effect, Pag-IBIG harnesses these four sectors of our society to provide its members with adequate housing through as effective savings scheme. Coverage These guidelines shall cover the development and construction of low cost housing units in Metro Manila and highly urbanized cities, and socialized housing units in the provinces by Pag-IBIG Fund. Objectives To provide low-cost and socialized house and lot packages/condominium units either for rent or for sale to low income Pag-IBIG members who cannot afford the housing packages available in the market. To enable Pag-IBIG Fund to perform its mandate by using its funds to provide decent and affordable condominium units as well as house and lot packages for sale to eligible Pag-IBIG Fund members nationwide. To stimulate competition that will bring about better housing packages in terms of price and development that will redound to the benefit not only of Pag-IBIG Fund members but also of the public in general. To help solve the housing backlog by generating further demand for housing through the provision of affordable condominium units and house and lot packages. To equitably distribute nationwide economic opportunities generated from housing production, and in the process, stimulate stability brought about by economic development. To provide an opportunity for Local Government Units (LGUs) to comply with R.A. 7279 by identifying and providing land for socialized housing. To simplify and facilitate the processing of end-user financing for eligible Pag-IBIG Fund members, given that the projects are owned by Pag-IBIG Fund. To develop further sense of ownership, pride and confidence among members of the Fund, knowing fully well that the projects being constructed are direct investments made from their savings with the institution. To generate more membership to Pag-IBIG Fund. To develop and dispose acquired properties of the Fund.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Comparison Between 1920s and 1930s

Michelle Heredia The 1920’s was the first decade to have a nickname such as â€Å"Roaring 20’s† or â€Å"Jazz Age. † For many Americans, the 1920’s was a decade of prosperity and confidence. But for others this decade seemed to bring cultural conflicts, nativists against immigrants, religious liberals against fundamentalists and rural provincials against urban cosmopolitans. There was a drastic change in economy through the course of 1920 to 1930. During 1930 the great depression had turned the American dream into a nightmare and what once was the land of opportunity had become the land of desperation.Both 1920’s and 1930’s have been characterized for radical political movements. Also throughout the course of these two decades entertainment was a big hit. Celebration was a big part of the 1920’s and due to this, many different behaviors were developed among these large populations, dancing became a big thing, people loved to dan ce especially the Charleston, Fox-trot and Shimmy. Dance marathons were something people went to every weekend. The radio became very popular as well; people liked listening to Jazz, especially the king of Jazz, Louis Armstrong.People also tuned in to listen to sports and live events. Movies were also a big thing during this decade. Parlor games and board games were popular in the 1930’s, people gathered around the radio to listen to the Yankees. Young people danced to big bands. The golden age of the mystery novel continued as people escaped into books, reading writers like Agatha Christie, Dashielle Hammett and Raymond Chandler. Big band or swing became very popular. Meanwhile there were also many differences between the two decades. During the 1920’s for the first time more Americans lived in cities rather than on farms.For many Americans the growth of cities, the rise of a consumer culture, the increase of mass entertainment and the so-called â€Å"revolution in m orals and manners† represented liberation from the restrictions of the country’s Victorian past. Sexual mores, gender roles, hair styles, and dressing all changed. In this decade penicillin was discovered and also the insulin for diabetics. The nation’s wealth more than doubled and this economic growth brought many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar consumer society. October 29, 1929 later became known as black Thursday, the stock market began its downhill drop.Many people believed that after this day prices would rise again as it had occurred in the past, but instead prices kept dropping. America had celebrated for eight years, but now everything was wasted in just weeks by the stock market. It was the sad ending to the glorious decade. Yet the beginning of the 1930’s, in the beginning one quarter of all wage-earning workers were unemployed and money was scarce because of the depression. During the great depression the American dream had now become a nightmare what once was the land of opportunity had turned into the land of desperation.President Herbert Hoover did not do much to alleviate the crisis, he only argued that there was patience and self reliance needed to get them through this incident. But in 1932, Americans elected a new president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who pledged to use the power of the federal government to make Americans’ lives better. Over the next nine years Roosevelt’s New Deal created a new role for government in American life. Many Americans looked at the 1920’s as a decade of confidence and prosperity. However the end of the decade brought about big changes economically, politically, and socially.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cynthia Morris Essay

There is a quote that says: Mothers are angels who teach their children how to fly. Indeed my mother was an angel who in my younger years I thought was sent here to torture me especially when I wanted to hang out with my friends instead of doing chores or homework. My mother was the pillar of strength, love, and compassion. Mothers may be misunderstood but that doesn’t mean they don’t care or know better. My earliest memories of my mother, was her pretty face, beautiful smile, and small frame. To me she was the most beautiful woman on earth and nothing compared to her. Even though she was unlike the celebrity moms who wore designer clothes and ate in fancy restaurants, my mother was very real. My mother was a very small, petite woman who you did not want to cross. I loved the way she combed her hair. I loved the way she would play with my hair or rub my legs after a track meet even when I smelled like sweat. On the incidents that my siblings and I crossed my mother her big brown eyes would squint with disapproval. But I came to love that about her. When those brown eyes started to squint it meant you had done something wrong. Even though there were seven children my mother never played favorites. But rather, made appoint to be fair and equal with all of her children. Whenever I admitted to making a mistake, Mom would not hesitate to point it out to me, and punish me if needed. At times I detested it but over time I came to realize that Mom did that because she had my best interests at heart. She was never one to hold grudges for long. Like most mothers, my mother was very protective of me that often times I resented her for being so. I did not understand why she had to constantly ask about my whereabouts: Who I was with and where I was going. It never occurred to me that this was an essential part of being a mother. A mother cares and worries for her children. My mother taught me that getting reprimanded did not mean she loved me less. On the contrary, she showed me that when she scolded me, it meant she cared and worried about me. Mother certainly had her own flaws but I came to accept, in fact love every bit of them. When she called me non-stop, it was because she missed me or needed something or I had made her angry about something. Some may have called it nagging, I call it loving. For a person to wear her heart on her sleeves is a vulnerable thing, my mother was never vulnerable. In fact she was very strong. She never backed off in a fight especially if she knew she was right but she also knew how to compromise too. But compromising for her did not mean that you were wrong. Compromising was just another way of getting things done – later. When I started school, mom was my ally. To me, school was a world were ghosts and bad guys lurked. Instead of laughing at my fears, my mother showed me instead how great school was. My first day of school, she prepared my favorite snacks and walked me to school. Instead of leaving me at the gate, she walked me to the door, knelt down and told me: â€Å"Don’t worry, everything will be ok†. Although these words are pretty naà ¯ve, to a child on her first day of school, these words were more than enough for me. I went to school that day knowing that Mom was there for me and I learned to enjoy school. I made a few friends and introduced them to my mother who was more than happy to give us cookies and milk for snacks. Although my mother was a stay at home mom, she taught us how important an education was. Mother also taught us the value of relationships. This was evident in her relationship with my Dad. She was married to him for over 40 years before she passed and that for me was not just a manifestation of an enduring love for a person but of trust and fidelity as well. I am hoping that I can do the same in my relationship. Being married to the same person for over 40 years is not a mean feat. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to do this every day. Our generation today does not seem to realize the importance of maintaining a relationship. I, on the other hand, would want to be like my mother. I want to have a long lasting relationship with my partner just like my mother did with my father. I know my mother is not perfect. She had flaws too. But for me, those flaws were tiny imperfections that made her all the more lovable and perfect. Those flaws just made her humanity more evident. My mother was and now is an angel who taught me to fly and dream.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Clairant Marketing

We are also thankful to Mr.. Oman Patella 0 for his help and valuable Insights Into Strategic Management at Claimant Pakistan Limited. Mr.. Patella, a very dedicated individual, is a competent and proactive professional at analyzing the implications of Claimant's competitive strategic framework on each of the business' operations. He provided us with every detail about Clangors corporate strategic activities and how they are aligned with the core competencies of the company.Without his time and help, it would have been impossible for us to prepare this report. Sincerely, Amber Alicia Ham Named Virus Mason Razz Mohammad Moms Useful Gaga students of ABA (HON.) Institute of Business Management, Karachi. Letter of Transmittal Mr.. Abdul Qatar Mollie Institute of Business Management Koran Creek Karachi – 75190 Pakistan Date: 18th April, 2013 Dear Mr.. Mollie: Management in Claritin Pakistan Limited† as authorized by you.The purpose of this report is to examine how Claritin Pa kistan Limited manages its strategic activities at the corporate as well as the business level. The project report is a comprehensive outline of Claimant's strategic mission, the competitive strategies it has developed to enhance its core competencies, the macro-economic analysis that it conducts for scanning the various environmental threats/pressures, the strengths and opportunities it effectively utilizes and the weaknesses and threats it counter- balances.The group members were immensely excited to work on this project since in a few months' time we will all be part of the work force and will be concerned with these strategic tasks employed in the organization at the basic level of an individual employee. With much effort and diligence all the work was divided equally amongst us. We prepared a questionnaire which contained a list of questions regarding Strategic analysis, development and execution. We then met a representative of Claritin Pakistan Limited, Mr.. Oman Patella 0 wh o responded to our list of questions diligently.Later different parts of the report were asked to be written by each group member. While working on this report we observed the amount of energy, thought process and effort that goes behind into making an organization strategically competitive in its industry We are grateful to you for teaching us the important aspects of Strategic Management, for helping us whenever we needed your assistance and believing in us to complete this report in the best possible manner by fulfilling our capabilities. Contents 1 Objective To conduct Claimant's organizational analysis in the light of the chemical industry.To achieve this objective a broad environmental analysis needs to be conducted in order to recognize the external opportunities and threats along with internal strengths and weaknesses. This would allow us to improvise their existing strategies and suggest recommendations. 2 Industry Definition At present there are nearly 30 Chemical companie s having the total paid-up Capital of RSI. L . 7 billion. Most of them have shown remarkable progress in their sales in the recent years such as Fuji Fertilizer, Icily Pakistan, Negro Chemical, Atwood Hercules,Claritin Pakistan, Sitars Chemical Colgate Palmolive, Berger Paints, BOCA Pakistan, Sins Alkalis, Dyne Pakistan, are considered as market leaders in the field of Chemical Industry in Pakistan. The rapid industrialization resulting in the large increase in chemical consuming products has enlarged the demand of all types of chemicals in the country. Chemical Industry in Pakistan has gradually developed to its present stage and has played a vital part in the development of the country and will continue to do so in future with more foreign investment.The Chemical Industry produces a arioso range of products such as polyester fiber, sodium carbonate, PVC, Soda Ash, PTA, Pharmaceutical, Paints, Fertilizer, Insecticides, Petrol-Chemical and other Chemicals. Chemical industry in Pakis tan is widespread. The chemical imports constitute about 17% of the total import bill. Pakistan has made considerable progress in basic inorganic chemicals like Soda Ash, Caustic Soda, Sulfuric Acid and Chlorine and has acquired sufficient production capacity of these chemicals to cater for the needs of the local industry, while surplus is being exported. 2 Even then there are some challenges to be countered. The chemical industry of Pakistan is lagging behind due to some challenges. The main challenge is that it has to rely on its imports and foreign materials. It does not benefit the economy and results in production of expensive products. Secondly lack of industrial infrastructure and technology in Pakistan results in low quality products which do not mark the standard. Moreover the discriminatory approach of international community does not integrate the Pakistan market into the international economy and Pakistani products are not given access to the international market.Moreove r the lack of resources and weak trade policies of the ministries also result in the weakening of chemical industry. In order to enhance the chemical industry Pakistan must adopt the policy of â€Å"self-reliance†. Instead of relying on foreign designs and engineering it must improve its own production and ensure high quality of chemical products. Pakistan must work towards integrated approach. It must bring four worlds of a society together which are traders, universities, research and development and production partners.This will bring innovation and must utilize its youth which has rest minds and great ideas to enhance the chemical industry resulting in qualitative and quantitative perfection in the chemical products. Pakistan is capable of producing high technological products all it needs is a little bit of effort in improvement of administrative capabilities and induction of new technology and support from government to put things in order. 3 Company Background and Info rmation 3. History Claritin was formed in 1995 as a spin off from the chemical company Sanded, which was itself established in Basel in 1886. Through their direct lineage, Claritin have massed knowledge and experience of chemistry and industry spanning approximately 150 years. Claritin expanded through the incorporation of the specialty chemicals business of Hooch's (Germany) in 1997, and the acquisitions of BIT Pl (I-J) in 2000 and Saba's Master batches division in 2006.In 2008, it acquired the leading U. S. Colorado suppliers Rite Systems and Ricoh Colors. The latest acquisition, the highly-innovative specialty chemicals company SÃ'Ëœd-Chemic (Germany), was completed on 21 April 2011. Additives Catalysis & Energy Emulsions, Detergents & Intermediates Functional Materials Industrial & Consumer Specialties Leather Services Masturbates Oil & Mining Services of specialty chemicals and application solutions for consumer care and industrial markets.Textile dyes include disperse, reactiv e, direct, acid and sulfur dyes. The textile business encompasses special chemicals for pretreatment, dyeing, printing and finishing of textile. Optical brightener and chemicals for special treatment are also the part of the range. Moreover, textile region also include water based application of the emulsion for the paint and the construction industry. Paper business supplies paper dyes, optical brightener and process and pulping chemicals.Leather region produces chemicals for finishing and complete range of wet-end chemicals. The Consumer Care segment includes the Personal Care business which, among others, develops and produces specialty ingredients for skin and hair care, wet wipes and selected pharmaceutical applications. They supply all relevant information and advice for safer use, handling, labeling, storage, and disposal of our products as a part of Claimant's commitment to sustainability and product stewardship to best meet customer needs.Industrial & Home Care business hel ps customers gain a competitive advantage with its product range for household cleaning fluids, disinfectants, industrial and hospital cleaning solutions Claritin, as a world leader in the field of specialty chemicals, is fully committed to sustainable operation and development in all business activities. It develops and offer products and applications that allow for use of the product during its whole life cycle helping to avoid risk to employees, customers, the public and environment.Claritin has signed the Global Responsible Care Charter as our commitment to Sustainability. It is the chemical industry voluntary initiative to continuously improve health, safety and environmental performance, and to communicate with all stakeholders through the supply chain. This enables Claritin to make a strong contribution to Sustainable Development through the Responsible [email  protected] ethic and the Global Product Strategy targets which promote the safer use of chemical products and enha nce product stewardship throughout the whole supply chain.Their comprehensive product stewardship approach includes cooperation and partnership with Claimant's suppliers Claritin is aware that the energy issue is one of he key challenges of today's and future society and industry. Claritin highlights energy efficiency and savings as the most cost-effective and fastest way to reduce CO and other emissions and increase security of supply. 3. 3 Mission Statement Our mission clearly expresses what is important to us and what we stand for – as a brand and as a company. We build leading positions in the businesses we are active in and we adopt functional excellence as part of our culture.We create value through appreciating the needs of: our customers – by providing competitive and innovative our environment our shareholders by acting sustainable – by achieving above-average returns 4 Porters Five Forces 4. 1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppl iers is low. Claritin is a chemical manufacturing firm; they make chemicals used in different sectors like textiles, oil & gas, mining, dyeing etc. Claritin does not have a particular supplier for its raw materials; the Company buys raw material from different suppliers.The planning department is responsible for planning of the units of raw material to be purchased based on the market forecast. The procurement then takes prices from approved suppliers and then laces an order to the supplier who gives the lowest deal on the purchase. The bargaining power of suppliers is low as there are many suppliers in the market and they cannot charge a high price otherwise they would lose business to their competitors. Yes (+) moderate No (-) 1 . My inputs (materials, labor, supplies, services, etc. Are standard rather than unique or differentiated. 2. I can switch between suppliers quickly and cheaply. 3. My suppliers would find it difficult to enter my business or my customers would find it dif ficult to perform my function in-house. 4. I can substitute inputs readily. 5. I have many potential suppliers. 7. My cost of purchases has no significant influence on my overall costs 4. 2 Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers is high in the chemicals industry as the buyers have many choices from where they can purchase their products from.Claimant's consumer markets include automobiles, candles, cosmetics, detergents, latex, stationery, as well as finishers for aluminum and leather. Claimant's buyers are aware of the need for information and Claritin helps its customers through the technical service centre. But this does not undermine the fact that other local chemical industries are also major players in the market so similar products are available, and buyers do not really incur a switching cost when changing where to purchase from. To what extent are your customers locked into you?No effect 1) Are there a large number of buyers relative to the number of firm s in the business? 2) Do you have a large number of customers, each with relatively small purchases? 3) Does the customer face any significant costs in switching suppliers? 4) Does the buyer need a lot of important information? 5) Is the buyer aware of the need for additional information? 7) Your customers are not highly sensitive to price. ) Your product is unique to some degree or has accepted branding? 9) Your customer's businesses are profitable. 0) You provide incentives to the decision makers. 4. 3 Rivalry among the Competitors Threat of competitors is high. 1 . The industry is growing rapidly. (Not so rapidly due to Energy constraints) 2. The industry is not cyclical with intermittent overcapacity. 3. The fixed costs of the business are relatively low portion of total costs. 5. The competitors are diversified rather than specialized. 6. It would not be hard to get out of this business because there are no specialized kills and facilities or long-term contract commitments etc. 7.My customers would incur significant costs in switching to a competitor. 8. My product is complex and requires a detailed understanding on the part of my customer. 9. My competitors are all of approximately the same size as I am. 4. 4 Threats of Substitutes Threat of substitutes is high. 1 . Substitutes have performance limitations that do not completely offset their lowest price. Or, their performance is not Justified by their higher price. 2. The customer will incur costs in switching to a substitute. 4. Your customer is not likely to substitute. . 5 Threats of New Entrants The threats of new entrants are high. 1 . Do large firms have a cost or performance advantage in your segment of the industry? 2. Are there any proprietary product differences in your industry? 3. Are there any established brand identities in your industry? 4. Do your customers incur any significant costs in switching suppliers? 5. Is a lot of capital needed to enter your industry? 6. Is serviceable used equ ipment expensive? 7. Does the newcomer to your industry face difficulty in accessing distribution channels?